Bulgaria, Sofia (virtual), November 12, 2020

Agenda Second regional meeting, Sofia, November 12, 2020
Energy Efficiency trends and policies in Bulgaria (Ivaylo Aleksiev, SEDA)
Energy poverty in Bulgaria (Dragomir Tzanev, Center for Energy Efficiency – EnEffect)
Bulgarian Municipalities work together to improve air quality (Velichka Velikova, Burgas Municipality)
Improving the air quality in Sofia Municipality (Teodora Polimerova, Sofia Municipality)

Croatia, Zagreb (virtual), November 15, 2021

Agenda Third regional meeting, Zagreb, November 15, 2021
Low carbon Strategy in Croatia (Visnja Grgasovic, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development)
Implementation of Energy Efficiency policy in Croatia – activities of EPEEF (Aleksandar Halavanja, FZOEU)
Comprehensive energy refurbishment of an existing building in nZEB standard (Margareta Zidar, EIHP)
Revision of Long Term Renovation Strategy for Republic of Croatia (Toni Borković, EIHP)

Cyprus, Nicosia, November 12, 2021

Challenges of the ‘Fit-for-55’ policy proposals for Energy Efficiency and Decarbonisation in Cyprus, with Emphasis on the Transport Sector

Czechia, Prague (virtual), November 25, 2021

Agenda, November 25, 2021
Seminar presentation (Jiří Spitz, ENVIROS)
Seminar minutes, November 25, 2021

Estonia (virtual), October 28, 2021

Agenda, October 28, 2021
Introduction of the ODYSSEE-MURE project (Inge Roos, Tallinn University of Technology)
Energy efficiency indicators in Estonia based on the results of the ODYSSEE-MURE project (Inge Roos, TTU)
Estonian energy efficiency indicators compared to EU averages (Inge Roos, TTU)
Energy efficiency measures, MURE databases (Inge Roos, TTU)

France (virtual), January 27, 2022

Recent trends in energy efficiency in the EU and in France and the impact of COVID (Didier Bosseboeuf, ADEME)
ODYSSEE-MURE European Energy Efficiency Scoreboard (Wolfgang Eichhammer, Fraunhofer ISI)

Germany, Berlin, December 16, 2019

Agenda, December 16, 2019
Recent Developments of Energy Efficiency Policy in Germany (Stefan Besser, BMWi)
Energy Efficiency Indicators for Germany - A View from the ODYSSEE Database (Wolfgang Eichhammer, Fraunhofer ISI)
Energy Efficiency Indicators for Germany - A View from the Industrial perspective (Christian Noll, DENEFF)
Energy and Climate Policy in Germany (Patrick Graichen, Agora Energiewende)

Lithuania (virtual), November 22, 2021

Agenda, November 22, 2021
Project ODYSSEE (Inga Konstantinavičiūtė, LEI)
Changes in the ODYSSEE database (Inga Konstantinavičiūtė, LEI)
Improving energy efficiency trends in the EU (Inga Konstantinavičiūtė, LEI)
Improving energy efficiency trends in Lithuania (Inga Konstantinavičiūtė, LEI)
Changes in the MURE database (Viktorija Bobinaitė, LEI)
Implementation of the EE1 principle in the EU (Viktorija Bobinaitė, LEI)
Energy sufficiency - indicators and measures (Viktorija Bobinaitė, LEI)
EE1 principle and energy poverty (Viktorija Bobinaitė, LEI)
Seminar minutes, November 22, 2021

Netherlands (virtual), November 11, 2021

Webinar Odyssee-Mure in the Netherlands

Poland (virtual), November 19, 2021

Agenda, November 19, 2021
Instruments for improving the energy efficiency of the Polish economy in the light of NECP and PEP 2040 (Aneta Ciszewska, Ministry of Climate and Environment)
Energy efficiency trends of the Polish economy described with the ODYSSEE tools (Szymon Peryt, GUS)
Energy efficiency in transport (Maria Perkuszewska, Ministry of Infrastructure)
Long-term building renovation strategy (Barbara Wąsowska, Ministry of Development and Technology)
Energy efficiency in NAPE's operations and evaluation (Marek Amrozy, National Energy Conservation Agency)
Instruments for improving energy efficiency in the SME sector - Poland and other EU countries (Ryszard Wnuk, KAPE)
Seminar minutes, November 19, 2021

Slovenia (virtual), November 29, 2021

Agenda, November 29, 2021
Presentation of the ODYSSEE-MURE and LIFE Climate 2050 projects (Fouad Al Mansour)
Has Slovenia improved energy efficiency? Presentation of the ODYSSEE database and tools (Fouad Al Mansour)
Energy efficiency analyses in the LIFE Climate Path 2050 project - an overview. (Stane Merše)
How important is energy efficiency for achieving climate neutrality (Matjaž Česen)

Switzerland, May 8, 2024

Introduction (Regina Betz, ZHAW)
Energy efficiency indicators for service and household sectors (Mohammadreza Kolahi, UNIGE)
Energy efficiency indicators for transport and industry sectors (Mostafa Babaei, UNIGE)
Conclusions (Martin Patel, UNIGE)

United Kingdom (virtual), November 17, 2021

Agenda, November 17, 2021
Introduction to the ODYSSEE-MURE project (S. Morgan-Price, J. Bates, Ricardo)
Session about ODYSSEE (S. Morgan-Price, J. Bates, Ricardo)
Session about MURE (S. Morgan-Price, J. Bates, Ricardo)