Specific CO2 emissions of new cars
- Large discrepancy in the specific emissions of new cars among countries: a 45% gap between the two extreme groups of countries: from less than 93.6 gCO2/km, the 2025 mandatory limit (Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Netherlands and Malta) to more than 135 gCO2/km (Lithuania, Cyprus, Slovakia, Czechia and Estonia).
- 110 gCO2/km for EU average in 2022.
- 10 EU countries below 110 gCO2/km: Sweden, Finland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Malta, Ireland, France, Portugal, Belgium and Germany.
Specific CO2 emissions of new cars (2022)

- Rapid progress since 2010 in all countries, especially in Sweden, the Netherlands, Finland, Netherlands, Denmark, Malta and Germany (above 4%/year).
- Progress due to the implementation of national policies and standards for car manufacturers and a higher share of electric cars, especially in the last years.
Trends in the specific emissions of new cars