Impact of structural changes on final intensity

  • The difference between the variations of the intensity and of the intensity at constant structure measures the effect of structural changes.
  • Structural changes explain only 19% of the decrease in final intensity since 2000 (rather stable share over the period).
  • The structural changes are mainly due to changes within industry (higher share of less energy intensive branches) and in the structure of GDP (higher share of services).

Impact of structural changes on the final intensity (EU)

Contribution of structural changes (EU)

  • Most countries have shifted to less energy-intensive sectors. Structural changes were negligible in Lithuania and contributed to slowing down the decrease in final intensity in Latvia.
  • In half of the EU MS, structural changes explain more than 20% of the decrease in final energy intensity.
  • In Finland and Greece, they explain a large part of the intensity decrease (more than 75%), as well as in Hungary (around 50%).

Impact of structural changes on the final intensity in EU countries (2007-2022)

Note: Final energy intensity at normal climate.