Adjusted energy intensities

  • After adjusting for differences in general price levels, by converting GDP at purchasing power parities (ppp), final intensities decrease for countries with low prices (such as the central-eastern or southern countries). For example, in Bulgaria, Romania, Poland and Hungary the adjusted intensity is about 40% lower than the observed intensity; in Lithuania, Croatia, Czechia, Slovakia and Latvia it is more than 30% lower than the observed intensity.
  • After adjustment, the gap between EU countries is significantly reduced. For instance, Bulgaria, which has an intensity without adjustment 5 times higher than the average of the 3 countries with the lowest intensity, has an intensity only three times higher than the lowest countries after adjustment. Before adjustment Romania, is the 7th country with the highest intensity and after adjustment, it is the 7th lowest. The other countries the most affected by the adjustment, in terms of ranking, are Lithuania, Portugal and Greece.

Final energy intensities at ppp in 2022 (normal climate)

  • Some of the observed differences in final energy intensity levels after ppp corrections can be further adjusted to account for some other quantifiable national characteristics, such as climate and the structure of economic and industrial activities. The adjustment to the average economic structure and climate of the EU makes the comparison of final energy intensities more meaningful and reduces the gap between countries.

Final energy intensities adjusted at ppp and EU average structure and climate (2022)