Change in fuel mix in EU industry
Increasing share of electricity, renewables and heat in the energy mix of industry.
- Electricity has the highest share in industry consumption (34% in 2022), closely followed by gas (32%). The share of electricity has increased by 3 points since 2000 (+2.4 over 2000-2010 and +0.6 points after), while the share of gas has roughly remained constant (33% in 2000).
- The shares of oil and coal have been decreasing since 2000 (-5.9 points and -4.5 points respectively). The largest reduction occurred before 2010 (-3.9 and -3.3 points respectively).
- The shares of biomass and heat have been increasing (+6.8 points and +1.8 points respectively). The share of heat increased before 2010 (+2.7 points), and then decreased by 0.9 points, while the share of biomass increased significantly since 2010 (+3.8 points).
Change in fuel mix in industry (EU)