Electricity consumption per dwelling

  • There are significant disparities in the electricity consumption per dwelling among EU Member States: from 1.8 MWh in Romania to 10 MWh in Sweden (3.7 MWh for the EU average).
  • This heterogeneity is partly due to the use of electricity for thermal uses, which is significant in Czechia, Bulgaria,  France and Sweden (50-60%), for instance, as well as different equipment rates of electrical appliances and different levels of energy efficiency.

Electricity consumption per dwelling

  • Since 2014, the electricity consumption per dwelling has remained roughly stable at EU level, (-0.3%/year). In 15 EU countries, electricity consumption increased, with a rapid progression in 10 EU Member States (Cyprus, Portugal and 8 Central and Eastern countries). This consumption has remained stable (less than +/-1%/year) in other Members States, or even decreased in the Netherlands, Danemark, Luxembourg and Belgium.
  • Significant increase between 2000 and 2008 (+2%/year and above) in some Member States, including Southern countries mainly due to air conditioning (e.g. Spain, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus), but also in Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Estonia and Poland.
  • Decreasing trend at EU level (-0.16%/year) and in most countries after the economic crisis of 2008 until 2014.

Trends in electricity consumption per dwelling