
Monitoring EU Energy Efficiency First Principle and Policy Implementation

Newsletter n°6 - November 2021

Update status

Update of the MURE database on energy efficiency policies and measures in Europe

The MURE database has been updated with most recent policies and measures that are implemented in EU countries and in the UK, Norway, Switzerland and Serbia.
The database contains more than 2700 detailed descriptions of measures (of which around 1800 are ongoing), including 35% with impact evaluation.
A quality check of the MURE database was carried out by the IEECP.
Access the database.

New EE1 facility

This tool represents a quantitative indicator approach to assess the implementation of the Energy Efficiency First (EE1) principle.
The facility aims to provide an insight into the treatment of energy efficiency on the political level, which goes beyond the implementation of policies on energy efficiency.

Financial indicators added to the ODYSSEE database

Financial indicators related to industry and household energy consumption have been added to the database. They quantify the impact of the energy savings in monetary terms on the budget of households.
If you are not registered yet, you can ask for a free access to the database (EU ministries and institutions, universities for academic purposes) or a trial version.

Update of the Energy Saving facility

The Energy Saving facility compiles trends and targets for primary and final energy consumption and energy savings. CO2 emissions targets for transport and buildings have been added recently. Energy savings from ODYSSEE have been updated to 2019.

Update of the Market diffusion facility

The Market diffusion facility compares the diffusion of end-use energy efficiency and renewable technologies across countries through interactive maps.

Update of the Sectoral profiles

The sectoral profiles, that consist of a set of around 200 interactive graphs and analysis by sector, have been updated by Enerdata to 2019.

Update of the European Energy Efficiency Scoreboard

The European Energy Efficiency scoreboard has been improved and updated. It ranks EU countries according to different criteria in terms of energy efficiency trends, levels and policies.


Recent energy efficiency trends in the EU

On November 30th 2021, the project will host a webinar: “Recent energy efficiency trends in the EU” (by Bruno Lapillonne and Laura Sudries, Enerdata).
This webinar will analyse energy efficiency trends in the EU for the period 2014-2019 and the impact of COVID-19 in 2020 (based on estimates from Enerdata). The speakers will present the overall trend in total energy supply and in final energy consumption, as well as details by sector, alongside macro-economic data. They will explain the main drivers of the variation in energy consumption since 2014 and determine the impact of energy savings.


Policy briefs

Energy efficiency measures towards SMEs

This policy brief show how accelerating the implementation of energy efficiency measures by SMEs could lead to substantial energy savings and generate significant economic benefits for the sector. It was prepared by Piotr Nowakowski and Ryszard Wnuk (KAPE, Polish National Energy Conservation Agency).

Energy Poverty in the EU

The aim of this policy brief is to provide an overview of the extent to which energy poverty affects the EU and how it is currently addressed by the Member States. It was prepared by Mara Chlechowitz and Matthias Reuter (Fraunhofer ISI).

Incentives and energy poverty in the EU

This policy brief provides an overview of ongoing and planned measures to tackle energy poverty from EU Member States. It was prepared by Corinna Viola (ENEA).

Does the EU Emission Trading Scheme ETS Promote Energy Efficiency?

This policy brief discusses, based on the Odyssee and MURE databases and through the use of energy efficiency indicators, how the EU ETS may have promoted energy efficiency progress in the EU in the period 2005-2019/2020. It was prepared by Wolfgang Eichhammer and Mara Chlechowitz (Fraunhofer ISI).

Eco-driving initiatives – the key for sustainable and energy-efficient use of motorized vehicles

The policy brief document presents what eco-driving is, what its benefits can be and guidelines for implementing an eco-driving initiative at national level. It was prepared by Thomas Bogner and Reinhard Jellinek (Austrian Energy Agency).

Recent trends in energy efficiency in the EU

The policy brief summarises the main findings presented in the webinar mentioned above. It was prepared by Bruno Lapillonne and Laura Sudries (Enerdata).

News from the project

Project workshop

The ODYSSEE-MURE project held its third and final workshop on November 15th and 16th. The workshop was held online due to the Covid-19 situation and hosted by Croatian partners.

Project trainings

The ODYSSEE-MURE network will organise a training session on December 13th, “Introduction to the ODYSSEE Database and Facilities on Energy Efficiency Indicators”, and another on December 14th, “Introduction to the MURE Database and Facilities on Energy Efficiency Policies”.
Register to the sessions (only for public authorities).
Odyssee Logo


Unique database on energy consumption, their drivers and energy efficiency indicators for all EU countries (+ Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and the United Kingdom) updated to 2018 (early estimates of 2019).
Mure Logo


Database on energy efficiency policies and measures. Valuable and trusted policy tool including recent measures by country.
PDF Logo

Analysis reports on energy efficiency

Reports, country profiles, sectoral profiles etc, freely available on the Odyssee-Mure website.