
Monitoring the Energy Efficiency Pillar for Climate Neutrality

Newsletter n°3 - July 2024

Update status and recent developments

Update of the European Energy Efficiency Scoreboard

The European Energy Efficiency scoreboard has been updated in February with new data, continuing to score EU countries on their energy efficiency levels, progress, and policies. A new feature displays the three policy measures with the greatest impact for each country, to give a better understanding of the policy score.

Aggregate data and estimates of key indicators up to 2022 for all EU countries

Eurostat aggregate data on energy consumption for 2022 have been published in May as well as estimates of the key indicators, based on a methodology developed by Enerdata for the ODYSSEE- MURE project. View the methodology note.

The Energy saving tool has been updated to 2022 with the latest NECPs in June. 3 new items have been added: one to track ODEX by sector, the other two to show energy savings in relation to primary and final consumption, to highlight the Energy Efficiency First principle.

Ask for a free access to the database (EU ministries and institutions, universities for academic purposes) or a trial version.

Addition of Energy Community Parties in ODYSSEE and MURE databases

Data and indicators for Energy Community Parties up to 2021 have been added in July to ODYSSEE database, along with an update of 2021 data for Switzerland. Policies and measures in Energy Community Parties have also been added to MURE database.

Update of the country profiles

The country profiles, outlining the main energy efficiency trends and policies for each country, have been updated in March with 2021 data.

Publication of the survey on the estimation of foreign vehicles consumption

In some EU countries, the consumption of foreign vehicles must be tracked separately to obtain accurate indicators. In ODYSSEE, 10 countries estimate the consumption of foreign vehicles. A summary note based on a survey presents the estimation methods used in seven countries; it was published in January. View the publication.


Alleviating energy poverty: Policies and measures in the EU – 10 July 2024

Energy poverty extends beyond income poverty, referring to the inability of households to secure adequate energy services. Detecting, measuring, and addressing energy poverty requires understanding regional variations, vulnerable groups, and the interplay of affordability and access. This webinar will provide an overview of how energy poverty is reflected in current energy efficiency policies and measures implemented in the EU Member States, based on the MURE database.

Register here

EU energy efficiency trends and targets – 25 June 2024

The EU has ambitious energy efficiency targets across all sectors. This webinar explored the changes taking place in terms of energy demand and improvements in energy efficiency. It highlighted key energy efficiency trends, drivers of growth in energy demand, and quantify energy savings in each sector. It further explored how recent policies will contribute to close the gaps to the targets.

View the recording of the webinar

Tackling energy poverty in the context of the Energy Efficiency Directive – 5 June 2024

The new Energy Efficiency Directive has strengthened its provisions on energy poverty in the context of an energy crisis. This webinar examined how policies are designed to reach priority groups and tackle energy poverty.

View the recording of the webinar

Incentive schemes for energy efficiency in public buildings – 17 April 2024

This webinar highlighted two key measures implemented in Italy under the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) to address energy consumption: the Italian Programme for Energy Renovation of Buildings, and the Thermal Account initiative.

View the recording of the webinar

The role of municipal energy counsellors in Sweden – 3 April 2024

The webinar addressed the role of municipal energy advisors in Sweden in achieving energy efficiency targets, and how their expertise can benefit individuals, organizations, and businesses alike.

View the recording of the webinar

The exemplary role of public buildings: What’s new in the EED recast? – 14 February 2024

This webinar provided an overview of examples of measures implemented by Member States to improve energy efficiency in public buildings.

View the recording of the webinar

The European Energy Efficiency Scoreboard 2023 – 7 February 2024

This webinar presented the 2023 edition of the European Energy Efficiency Scoreboard, which includes the latest energy efficiency data and policy impacts.

View the recording of the webinar

Policy briefs

ODYSSEE-MURE policy briefs aim at providing short analysis on energy efficiency evaluation in the EU. Two new policy briefs have been published and others will be made available in 2024.

Energy efficiency in Greece

This policy brief presents the national documents in force that include energy and climate targets in Greece and analyses the 2030 energy efficiency targets in the country.

Read and download the brief

Energy efficiency trends in transport in EU countries

This policy brief analyses the overall trend in transport energy consumption in the EU since 2000 and highlights the main drivers for the energy consumption variation in transport, especially for energy savings.

Read and download the brief

Publications from national partners

What’s new in the EU on Energy Efficiency First?

This report summarizes the main changes about Energy Efficiency First (EE1st) in the pieces of the fit-for-55 package. It also discusses the background for EE1st in four countries (Croatia, Greece, Italy and Poland) and introduces the first set of pilot cases of the ENEFIRST Plus project.

View the publication

Alternative measures in the EED context, achieving energy savings in all sectors

The European workshop of ENSMOV Plus was organised on 20 March in Budapest, where latest updates on ODYSSEE-MURE were presented by Didier Bosseboeuf.

View the proceedings

Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes and other market-based instruments: scaling up to the 2030 targets

An ENSMOV Plus workshop was organised in Paris on 7 December 2023.

View the proceedings

Integrating Energy Efficiency First in the final update of National Energy and Climate Plans

The ENEFIRST Plus webinar presented the integration of EE1st in NECPs, from the assessment of the draft NECP updates by the European Commission to an overview of the changes brought by the fit-for-55 package, followed by a panel discussion.

View the proceedings

Other publications

Energy Community Secretariat’s Annual Implementation Report

The Energy Community Secretariat released its Annual Implementation Report which tracks the Contracting Parties’ performance in implementing the Energy Community acquis in the period between November 2022 and October 2023. The Report finds that Contracting Parties fulfilled two thirds of their energy efficiency obligations in this period.

View the publication
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Unique database on energy consumption, their drivers and energy efficiency indicators in Europe.
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Database on energy efficiency policies and measures. Valuable and trusted policy tool including recent measures by country.
Analysis reports

Analysis reports on energy efficiency

Reports, country profiles, and sectoral profiles freely available on the ODYSSEE-MURE website.