
Monitoring the Energy Efficiency Pillar for Climate Neutrality

Newsletter n°2 - December 2023

Update status

Update of the MURE database on energy efficiency policies and measures in Europe

Mure database
The MURE database has been updated with most recent policies and measures that are implemented in EU countries and in Switzerland. The database contains more than 2900 detailed descriptions of measures (of which around 1900 are ongoing), including 35% with impact evaluation. A quality check of the MURE database was carried out by the IEECP.

Energy efficiency indicators up to 2021 for all EU countries

Odyssee database

The ODYSSEE database on energy consumption, their drivers and energy efficiency indicators has been updated to 2021 with detailed data and energy efficiency indicators. Aggregate data are coming from Eurostat and other horizontal sources (EEA, DGMOVE, etc.). Early estimates of 2022 data will be published in the following weeks.

The ODYSSEE tools are currently being updated. The decomposition of manufacturing industry consumption has been added to the decomposition tool, and the decomposition of the power sector has been improved.

The sectoral profiles, that consist of a set of around 200 interactive graphs and analysis by sector, have also been updated with 2021 data.

Ask for a free access to the database (EU ministries and institutions, universities for academic purposes) or a trial version.

ODYSSEE and MURE database update for Energy Community Contracting Parties started

Data and measures will be implemented in the databases in the following months. More information about the integration can be found in the newsletter of February 2023.

Webinars: Launch of the Energy Efficiency Academy

The Energy Efficiency Directive recast: Can we close the gap to 2030 targets?

This opening session was held on October 18th and featured Niels Fuglsang, Member of the European Parliament and rapporteur for the Energy Efficiency Directive recast, Claudia Canevari, Head of the Energy Efficiency Unit at the European Commission, Arianna Vitali Roscini, Secretary General at The Coalition for Energy Savings. View the recording of the webinar.

Energy efficiency trends in transport sector in the EU

On November 29th, Bruno Lapillonne and Estelle Payan (Enerdata) analysed during this webinar the state of the transition in the transport sector in the EU and looked at how fast changes are taking place in terms of energy consumption and improvements in energy efficiency. The webinar showed the main drivers of growth in energy demand in transport and quantified energy savings. View the recording of the webinar.

IEA's Energy Efficiency 2023 Report: Key findings and a chance to discuss with Lead Authors

On December 7th, Lucas Boehlé and Clara Camarasa (IEA) will present the IEA Energy Efficiency 2023 Report published on November 29th. It highlights the need to double global progress on energy efficiency this decade to get on track for net zero by 2050. The report also explores the role of energy efficiency in inclusive transitions, digitalization, and innovation.
Register to the webinar and join the Energy Efficiency Academy.

Energy efficiency in Greece: Overall indicators and the distance to targets

On December 14th, Dimitris Mezartasoglou (CRES) will present Greece’s National Energy and Climate Plan which defines energy efficiency targets and measures to be implemented across all sectors. This webinar will illustrate how far Greece has come towards achieving these targets.
Register to the webinar.

Project workshop and training

The ODYSSEE-MURE project held its first workshop on April 24th and 25th in Zagreb. View the workshop presentations.

It was followed by a training session on April 25th, “Introduction to the ODYSSEE database and facilities on Energy Efficiency Indicators”, and another on April 26th, “Introduction to the MURE database and facilities on Energy Efficiency Policies”.

Publications from national partners

Estonian Energy Roadmap to carbon neutrality

The aim of this study is to demonstrate Estonian Energy Roadmap 2040 modelling process, taking into account energy consumption in accordance with the expectation and improvement of the living standard. In the frame of this study, the evaluation of the possibility for Estonian Energy sector to become carbon neutral by 2040 have been presented. It was prepared by TalTech and published in July 2023.


Other publications

European Commission's assessment of the National Energy and Climate Progress Reports 2023

The National Energy and Climate Progress Reports are the reporting due by Member States every two years and gathering data about the implementation and achievements of the National Energy and Climate Plans, covering the five dimensions of the Energy Union, including energy efficiency. Some analyses prepared by the Joint Research Centre made use of the ODYSSEE-MURE data.


ENSMOV Plus report on implications of the Fit for 55 Package on Member States’ Energy Saving Obligations

How does the Fit for 55 package and other recent EU legislation affect Member States’ implementation of their energy savings obligations under the Energy Efficiency Directive? The purpose of this paper is to answer that question, assessing changes to the energy savings obligation itself and considering the impact of other legislative changes.


Make Energy Efficiency Visible in the Energy Mix

This study was done by IEECP with the support of the European Climate Foundation and Knauf Insulation. It reviews about how energy efficiency is represented in the key publications on energy statistics and discusses about how energy efficiency could be integrated in key figures representing the energy mix, and about other alternatives to make energy efficiency more visible in the overall energy picture. The study made use of data from the ODYSSEE Energy Savings Tool.


Final report of the streamSAVE project

Given the importance of deemed savings approaches in Member States’ EED reporting, streamSAVE focused on streamlining bottom-up calculation methodologies of standardized technical actions. These methodologies are meant to make it easier for Member States to integrate these actions into policy measures. The final report provides an overview of the resources available from the project, as well as main lessons learnt from developing and testing the 10 methodologies in the partner countries.


Transitioning to a carbon neutral heating and cooling in Estonia by 2050

To achieve the carbon neutrality target in the heating and cooling sector, the Estonian Government targets to assess the heating and cooling decarbonization technologies and the plausible policy measures to support their timely deployment over the next three decades. This study aims to identify and analyse scenarios for achieving carbon-neutral heating and cooling in Estonia by 2050. Odyssee-Mure database was used for industrial heating demand forecasting.

Odyssee Logo


Unique database on energy consumption, their drivers and energy efficiency indicators in Europe.
Mure Logo


Database on energy efficiency policies and measures. Valuable and trusted policy tool including recent measures by country.
Analysis reports

Analysis reports on energy efficiency

Reports, country profiles, and sectoral profiles freely available on the ODYSSEE-MURE website.